How Safe Is Your Home or Business?

Arrange for radon testing services in Delta, CO or the surrounding areas

Radon is a natural, radioactive gas that cannot be seen, smelled or tasted. It can get into your home or business through small cracks or holes. While properties with basements are more susceptible to high levels of radon, any home or business can be at risk. Clean Crawlz offers radon testing services throughout Delta, CO and Western Colorado.

We use specialized equipment to detect unsafe radon levels. You should schedule a test if you've never had one, are about to move or are planning a renovation project. If we detect high radon levels, we'll work with you to create a radon mitigation plan.

Call (970) 615-0614 today to learn more about testing your property for radon.

5 signs you could have a radon problem

Radon poisoning is one of the leading causes of lung cancer in non-smokers. You should schedule radon testing if you:

1. Have a persistent cough or wheezing

2. Feel more tired than normal

3. Have unexpected weight loss

4. Feel short of breath

5. Have chest pain or tightness

Need a current radon mitigation system repaired or inspected? We're happy to diagnose and fix systems that were installed by us or another company.

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